Green Jobs in Engineering

Are there any green job opportunities related to aerospace, physics, or mechanical engineering?


not think of when they consider a "green" job. We feel that every job can be a green job - whether that is working as a hair stylist, construction worker, or health care worker. But back to your question on what green jobs exist in aerospace, physics and mechanical engineering in particular. In aerospace, like many fields, companies are realizing the need for better environmentally sustainable practices. So, new career paths are emerging in aerospace such as carbon composite engineers, alternative fuels researchers and aircraft recycling specialists. In physics there are a growing number of jobs in environmental physics, where physical properties are applied to environmental problems. Environmental physicists may work on creating new materials, photovoltaic systems, remote sensing equipment, and other products that are better for the environment. Finally, there are many intersections between jobs in mechanical engineering and the environment. Working in a renewable energy job such as wind turbine design, solar and geothermal power, hydropower infrastructure, and energy storage are a few options. Mechanical engineers are also employed by organizations such as the Green Building Council, whose mission is to transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life.