Why Explore a Green Career?
There are thousands of different jobs that support a healthy environment and so many reasons to explore a green career. We believe that there is a green career out there for everyone no matter what their background, skills, personality, education and experience! Jobs in the environmental field are growing, have become competitive in salary with other sectors in Colorado, provide opportunities to make a difference in your community, and simply are fun and fulfilling.

Ever wonder how your skills and experience match with environmental careers?

How Green Pathways Helps
Are you interested in making a difference through the work you do but not quite sure what you want to do or where to start? Our goal is to help you find the green careers that best fit you and then support you in building your career pathway. On this site you can explore a variety of green jobs through the Career Explorer; find opportunities and organizations throughout Colorado that offer recreation experiences, stewardship projects, clubs, volunteer opportunities, internships, summer jobs, and full-time employment for teens and young adults; see which colleges and universities in Colorado offer degrees in natural resources and the environment; find tips on resume writing and networking; get inspired by videos and podcasts featuring professionals in the field and more!